Odradna Balka | Odesa

/ © Aleksey Kasyanov - Yahad-In Unum Ivan U. leading Yahad’s team to the mass grave © Aleksey Kasyanov - Yahad-In Unum © Aleksey Kasyanov - Yahad-In Unum Ivan U., born in 1926, “The Jews brought from Odessa were placed in two barns. Watched by the police they could not go out. Local people brought them some food.” © Aleksey Kasyanov - Yahad-In Unum © Aleksey Kasyanov - Yahad-In Unum Killing site of about 200 Jews © Aleksey Kasyanov - Yahad-In Unum

Execution of Jews in Oradna Balka

1 Killing site(s)

Kind of place before:
Period of occupation:

Witness interview

Ivan U. explains: "When I came there the following day I could see the last trace of burned bodies. It was very terrifying. After, the pit was covered. However, during the rain the bones drifted into the estuary. Someone told me that the Jews were shot by the German settlers. There were 17. Two Jews had to throw the bodies into the ravine and were promised not to be killed. Nevertheless, they were also shot." (Witness N°1576, interviewed in Odradna Balka, on August 13, 2012)

Soviet archives

"The execution took place west of the hamlet, about a hundred meters from Ivan Berkuts’s house, in the hollow. It was done by the Germans settlers from Tartakai, led by a German officer, who shot them with automatic guns. In all, more than 200 people were shot including little children, women and the elderly. A pile of victims’ bodies (some who were only injured) was covered with straw and burnt." [Act drawn up by Soviet extraordinary commission in 1944; RG-22.002M/7021-69/75]

Historical note

No information available

Holocaust by bullets in figures

The Action took place on March 15-16, 1942 during which 200 Jews deported from Odessa were murdered by ethnic German militia from Tartakai. 

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