Kryvoruchka (Krivoruchka) | Mykolaiv 

/ Oleksiy A., born in 1935: “Before being taken to the ravine the Jews were confined in the sheep barns. The barns were located about 800m away from the execution site.” © Aleksey Kasyanov/Yahad-In Unum Oleksiy A., born in 1935:  “The machine-gun was placed higher. They were German colonists who fired at them.” © Aleksey Kasyanov/Yahad-In Unum The Yahad-In Unum team with a local witness at the execution site. © Aleksey Kasyanov/Yahad-In Unum Back then it was a ravine called ‘Babyna Balka’. About 600 Odesa Jews were murdered here. © Aleksey Kasyanov/Yahad-In Unum A drone view at the execution site. Back then, it was a ravine, called ‘Babyna Balka’. © Aleksey Kasyanov/Yahad-In Unum The memorial for the 600 Jewish victims murdered here during the occupation. © Aleksey Kasyanov/Yahad-In Unum

Execution of Jews in Kryvoruchka

1 Killing site(s)

Kind of place before:
‘Babyna Balka’ Ravine
Period of occupation:
Number of victims:
About 600

Witness interview

Oleksiy A., born in 1935:
“Y.U. : It was in June, but do you remember what year it was?
Witness: It was in 1942. When you asked me about it, you took me by surprise and at first I thought that it was in 1943, but after I remembered that it happened in 1942.
Y.U. : Were there a lot of Jews who were brought here from Voznesensk?
Witness : There were quite many, about 100 or 200 people. I don’t know the exact number. I saw them, they were young men.
Y.U.: Where did they stay here?
Witness : They lived in the apartments.
Y.U. : In the apartments among the locals?
Witness : Yes, in the apartments.
Y.U.: Did anybody keep an eye on them or guard them?
Witness : Our policemen.
Y.U. : Could they move freely around the village ?
Witness : They could move freely. […]
Y.U. : Were there whole families or only adults ?
Witness : No, only adults. You see, I don’t remember families [being brought here]. I just remember that all of them were adults. I don’t know whether there were children or not. As for the Jews from Odesa who were marched through [our village], there were many children there. And here, I don’t remember.” (Witness n°2729U, interviewed in Voznesensk, on November 26, 2019)

Historical note

Kryvoruchka is located 95km (59miles) northwest of Mykolaiv. Back then there were no Jews living in the village. The majority of the population was Ukrainian. A big Jewish community lived in Voznesensk, located 7km west. In 1864 1,249 Jews lived in Voznesensk. By 1897 the Jewish community increased and numbered 5,116 Jews making up 24% of the total population. The majority of Jews lived off small scale trade. Some of the Jews were specialists, such as artisans, doctors or musicians. A small percentage of Jews worked in the kolkhozes.

Holocaust by bullets in figures

Kryvoruchka was occupied by German forces in August 1941. According to the local residents (YIU/2729U), a group of Jews were brought to the village in June 1942. They were the Jews, only adults, brought from the town of Voznesensk, located 7km away. The Voznesensk Jews didn’t stay long; shortly after they were taken in the direction of Bohdanivka. Another group, of about 600 Odesa Jews, was brought to Kryvoruchka after that. This group was confined in the sheep barns, located outside the village. The inmates remained in the barns until late January or early February 1943, when they were taken to the ravine and shot. The execution was conducted by German colonists, Volksdeutsche. The Jews were shot dressed. Allegedly, some of the bodies were burned during the execution or after.

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